RPGaDay2017 #6

You can game every day for a week. Describe what you'd do.

I've been sick over the last couple of days, and haven't really been focused enough to write up my answers, so now it's time to catch up.

"Cynical me" answers this question in one way... I spend a week trying to organise other gamers, and by the time I've gathered enough of them together to run a game, my 7 days are over.

"Non-cynical me" answers it slightly differently... This scenario probably means that I've secured my teaching position and have bought a small country property where I've converted a barn into a dedicated gaming space for epic miniature battlegames, and boardgaming. The property has also been seeded with clues, buried treasure chests, and similar. During the day, I'm coordinating a team of GMs running a series of fully immersive quests, where different groups may find themselves working with or against others... at night, boardgames and roleplaying, where the outcomes of those games feed back into the LARP sessions the following day. I like a variety of experiences in my gaming, and I've generally lost my faith in most other GMs, so I figure a week of running good games for other people is better than a week of being frustrated by other people's games.


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