
Showing posts from September, 2021

Collaborative Worldbuilding with Kids (Part 2)

 As a part of the worldbuilding process, I asked our students to draw some points on a globe, and indicate the direct that these points would move if we were simulating continental drift. I'll go through the developmentof the landmasses as soon as I get my other computer up and running...hopefully over the next few days.

Collaborative Worldbuilding with Kids

One of the first exercises for our high school gaming club was developing a shared collaborative world. I figured this would be more interesting and more engaging for everyone than simply playing pre-written modules. I wanted to create a setting with the students, something that they'll be proud to be a part of. But how do you worldbuild wth kids? The first part of the process was a simple questionnaire, getting a range of established outlines for a series of nations. Some students chose to work alone, some worked in pairs to establish their nations, others worked in groups of 3 or 4. With twenty-five partcipants, we ended up with a dozen nations. Some of these were standard fantasy fare, others not so much. The worldbuilding questionnaire was deliberately written to lead students toward thinking in certain ways, but I was happy that there was some deviation in the final thought patterns. First, the demographcs of the land.  What race(s) are common?  Humans Elves Dwarves Orcs ...


 I'm adding a new label to upcoming posts. PGC It stands for Peel Game Club (which is the unofficial name for the high school gaming club that I've started).  While we're still under lockdown, I hope to get a few posts happening, explaining the start of our worldbuilding experiment, and maybe going into some ideas that will be implemented once school reopens and the club resumes. While making sure names are changed, and suitable anonymity imposed, I might discus the roleplaying journey that a few of our students will be undertaking.    With this in mind, there's a book heading my way from a Kickstarter that I backed last year. It's called the "Teacher-Gamer Handbook", and I've been followng it's development for a while. It'll be nice to see what's actually inside it (hopefully it's a good generic source, and not too D&D-centric).