I've decided to document some of the game mechanics that I come up with periodically. I've developed systems based on dice rolls, cards, counters and hand gestures, and each of these has applications to different styles of game. The problem with these conceptual ideas is that I can never decide on the type of game best suited to the mechanic. A poker based mechanic may lend itself well to a wild west game, a tarot mechanic may be good for a game about occultism or mysticism, but where do you place a complex die mechanic? I've looked at plenty of games over the years and have seen many that have focused on a gimmicky mechanic. Roll 3 dice, ignore the highest and lowest results and keep the middle die. Then compare this to a difficulty value that's generated by rolling a second die and cross referencing this to a table. [The result of the die might produce a nice bell-curve, and the cross referencing effect might ground it well in the reality of the game world, but the co...