2024...it's coming.

It's been a while since I've posted. I was going to let the blog slide into oblivion, but over the time that it's been active (even with a few years where postig has been non existent) there have been over 1.25 million views of the site. That's probably a bit too much to just waste. It's been a busy few years lately, with game design taking a back seat while I've focused on becoming a teacher. There are some stories to tell in that regard, and they might get revealed eventually, but I can't do so at the moment. Anyway, here's to new weeky blog posts in 2024. Some of them will focus on th game ideas that I've been having, some will focus on the lessons learned running a high school gaming club, and some will be the usual random thoughts I've had over the years. Let's see how things go.