I'm adding a new label to upcoming posts.


It stands for Peel Game Club (which is the unofficial name for the high school gaming club that I've started). 

While we're still under lockdown, I hope to get a few posts happening, explaining the start of our worldbuilding experiment, and maybe going into some ideas that will be implemented once school reopens and the club resumes. While making sure names are changed, and suitable anonymity imposed, I might discus the roleplaying journey that a few of our students will be undertaking.   

With this in mind, there's a book heading my way from a Kickstarter that I backed last year. It's called the "Teacher-Gamer Handbook", and I've been followng it's development for a while. It'll be nice to see what's actually inside it (hopefully it's a good generic source, and not too D&D-centric).


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