Correcting mistakes (a further chapter in the Narrative)

If you're reading this when I hope it's been inserted in the timeline, you can watch some TV series that explain quantum causality loops. By this stage in the timeline, there should even be a couple of blockbuster movies with time-travel as major plot points. 

Some of them get things right, some get things wildly wrong. But that's what happens when a multi-planar being tries to convey the complexity of timespan to physical beings. It's not my place to tell you the truth. revelations of that nature end up with prophets and religions, and that leads to more fire sprites getting out of control. Fire sprites like destroying things, inflaming emotions across the physical plane, and starting wars... that's not for me. I'm not even going to mention which stories got close to the truth, that's probably something for dreamers, philosophers, and scientists to work out for themselves. My reality is mine, and yours is yours. 

I can't talk directly to you, so I'm not sure that this message is getting through clearly. I've already mentioned that there are those who bonded to aspects of physical reality, drawn toward the beacon of energy fueled by countless souls. Some call them angels, demons, gods or Aeons, I speak to them when they step out of their realms that orbit the material plane, they speak in dreams and riddles to their chosen, and their chosen speak to the rest of the mortals across the physical plane.

Every step removed makes it harder for us to interact with the physical world. The chosen of the Aeons are treated by the masses as lunatics and visionaries, the Aeons themselves struggle to interact with the physical world and need the beliefs of mortals to anchor their connections. Those of us who did not become Aeons don't even have that... we watch, but we are not bound to the linear flow of time. I'm probably getting too metaphysically complex again. All you need to know is that I'm here... from your perspective I've always been here, and I always will be here. I've been watching, I'll be watching. I make changes by sending fragments into the flux of creation as unstable Aeons, but others do too. We watched how Aeons were bound to metaphysical concepts to give themselves quasi-stability, and like a mortal linking elements in a database by programming, we rewrite elements of reality to our desires... throwing avatars of intention into reality to watch the rippling cascades work their way across the cosmos. 

You might know of our avatars of intention, in some circles they are known as familiars. They bridge the gap between the divine spark of mortals, they essence of a metaphysical constant, and the raw unbridled chaos of the outer void. Familiars are our agents of correction, but more about that next time...


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