Weird Days

I'm opening up the blog now to see what's been happening in the months of my absence. 

It's been a weird year with the whole Australian summer bushfires leading prettymuch straight into the COVID-19 plague, and assorted chaos unfolding in the world as we watch the USA walking a fine line between anarchy, civil war, and impending fascism.

I haven't had much chance to post here, but I keep meaning to. I've also been meaning to get a lot more work done on game design, whether that means a playable version of "Familiar", a playable version of "Bring Your Own Miniatures", or some expansion ideas for "The Law". Maybe next year. 

I haven't even participated in any of the regular design contests that play out through the year.

I did set up a Kickstarter that I've been struggling through (because many of the components needed have had trouble shipping due to COVID.  

I really don't want to start anything else.

I've got a break now, so maybe I'll try to do something. 


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