Unpublished comments, now published

I'm trying to get back into the habit of posting something here every day... and so far it seems to be working... it's just the habit I'm redeveloping so far, rather than trying to post meaningful game related things. 

As a part of re-acquainting myself with the redesigned back-end of Blogger, I've found a bunch of comments on the blog dating back over the past three years. Comments that I didn't even know were there.

I'm also getting stuck into the "Beneath the Glass and Steel" 'zines, particularly the images that will be going into them. Here's a sneak peek. 



skalchemist said…
Hi: sorry to leave a non-sequitur and off-the-wall comment. My name is Hans, and I'm an admin at RPGGeek. We are trying to correct the card mechanics of games in our database, see: https://rpggeek.com/wiki/page/Card_Mechanic_Corrections

I think you are the designer of a 2008 Game Chef entry, Fractured Lucidity: https://rpggeek.com/rpg/34850/fractured-lucidity

Could you tell me whether that game used playing cards, some kind of custom cards, tarot, something else?

Also, is it available anywhere on the internet?

My profile on RPGGeek is here: https://rpggeek.com/user/skalchemist for your info. I've set this comment to email me if you reply.

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