#Inktober Day 4 - Spell / Clouds

Spell and Clouds

There are entities bound to the periphery of our reality. Unable to exist in our world, but unable to drift too far from it. Like a planet orbiting a star, if they get too close they burn from it's overwhelming radiance; if they get too far away, they freeze and enter an inert hibernation until awakened by those who bring enough spark of creative radiance to awaken them.

Those known in mythlore as gods exist in such a state. If they contact the mundane, they become infected by the passage of time, if they drift to far from the faith of believers, they lose coherence and become one with the dark chaotic void. Thus they remain cursed to linger in a liminal space of dreams and faith. Some gods fracture their essences, using slivers of themselves to infect dreamers and entities of the material world with a divine spark. Some of these slivers attain a consciousness of their own before fusing with a mortal.

The eternal dreamer, known by some myth fragments as Morpheus, spawned just such a sliver. This awakened sliver echoed the dreams and memories of mortals, taking human form in the process. It tended toward the primal essence of birth and life, rather than confrontation and death, and thus identified with the feminine over the masculine... she adopted the name Chimera.

Knowing that if she stepped foot in the material world she would begin to age, and knowing that the dark places would drain her divinity, she roams the spaces between dreams and memories. She enters the dreamscapes of slumbering mortals, implanting hopes and desires, and harvests the emotions that empower her astral miracles. Many spirits have encountered her at some time, as she acts as a beacon of light against the darker forces encroaching ever closer to the waking world.


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