200 word RPG 2018: The Wanderer

The Wanderer

As she strides the Bonelands toward the Citadel of Onyx, the last obstacles in her lifelong quest of vengeance await. A small group of companions guide her destiny.

Three questions define you.
How do you know her?
What did you teach her? She gains advantage
What haven’t you taught her? You gain advantage

Everyone starts with 1 black and 1 white token (hidden), blank page and pencil. A bag contains six more tokens of each colour.

Each act, everyone takes turns posing a situation, then asking another player how the Wanderer faces it. Everyone contributes one of their two tokens to resolve the situation, one more is drawn from the bag.

< 1/3 white = full success
< 1/3 black = full failure
Otherwise both apply

Describe what happens. Everyone replenishes their spent token by drawing a random token from the bag. Spent tokens are returned to the bag.

Act One: Flashbacks (What challenge was faced?)
Success: She gains an advantage
Failure: Someone loses an advantage

Act Two: Bonelands (menaces confronted)
Success: Menace neutralised
Failure: Someone loses an advantage (or their life).

Act Three: Citadel (citadel’s defences)
Success: Defence overcome
Failure: Someone lose their life, or she dies (game over, you lose)


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