#Drawlloween #Inktober 18 - Mask

The Kithing people of the Hive are known for wearing masks. As limited shapeshifters, the pureblooded among their race are capable of adjusting their skin, hair and eye colour, as well as make subtle adjustments to flesh and muscle structure (with some of those possessing stronger genetic purity and more advanced skill capable of manipulating bones structure). Kithlings may generally take a variety of appearances and may even mimic other specific people, but each has a mask that remains the same. This is a part of their cultural heritage, and most Kithlings know one another by their masks more than they know one another by their actual flesh. A Kithlings mask has a general form with flourishes passed down through family lines, but each Kithling goes through a rite of passage marking their transition to adulthood when they forge a mask from clay and fire it in a heritage kiln kept by Kithling priests specifically for this task. The culture of mask wearing is one of the reasons why many survivors across the hive don't trust the Kithlings, but most Kithlings state that their masks reveal their true selves openly, unlike other races who maintain the same flesh on their bones but change their minds and agendas on a whim.

Other groups across the hive are also known to wear masks. Zombies, vampires, and mutants have been known to wear them to conceal the changes over time that accumulate from the use of their powers. In these cases, the masks may make social interactions with regular survivors a bit disturbing, but far less disturbng than dealing with a person whose flesh is falling off or whose appearance is reminiscent of a nightmarish horror.

There are also a few groups who wear masks specifically to show that they do not value their individualism any more.

  • The personal guard of the Holy Empress are known to wear plain black masks while engaged in official duties for their employer. 
  • Members of The Order of the Protective Fist wear faceless metal masks as soon as they join the group, every time they kill a Shellbrood or bring a bandit to justice a single glyph is inscribed on the mask by an officer of the order. As soon as one hundred sigils are inscribed, the members may graduate to become an officer, or may retire with a steady pension for the rest of their lives.


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