Storifying Mage: the Ascension (Part 6) - Some More Background and the Rest of the Arcana
In recent gaming, there seems to have been a split between the
narrative driven games and system driven games. The narrative games (once
generally characterised as “indie”) tend to be compact booklets with minimal
rulesets, but some of these have a decent collection of background information
and minimalist plot hooks. The system driven games on the other hand are
veritable tomes of hundreds of pages, much of which are carefully integrated
with other parts of the rule system and designed to cover every little aspect
of play.
The more I read through it, the more I think that Mage 20th
Anniversary Edition seems to sit in that second camp. It has an awesome
freeform magic system that could probably be described in a few pages, tacked
onto an elaborate and baroque system (which in turn evolved out of a fairly
simple general system). It tries to straddle the space between allowing players
to embrace the full potential of their imagination, and constraining them to
“realism” within the virtual space of the game.
It’s trying to be everything to everyone, and the lack of focus is
causing problems. It’s always been chock full of awesome ideas, and the latest
incarnation has even more in it than previous versions, but it suffers from the
problem even more. A lot of the fun rules have been pushed into “optional
sidebars”, a lot of the changes in the setting over the past 20 years have also
been made optional, and the metaplot points that drove many of the supplemental
books have been stripped from canon.
This new version of the game is a great toolkit, with all sorts of
potential built into it, but it still sits on a base that’s a bit unstable and
generally fiddly. That’s why I’m working through this rebuild. I want a game
with a simple coherent system that applies in a variety of situations, but with
rich characters that start with a decent amount of detail and can become more
refined through the course of play.
I’m hoping my aims toward those goals are generally intact at this
stage and I’m not overcomplicating things. After this post finishing off the
major arcana I’ll get stuck into one of the most fiddly bits of the storyteller
system, combat.
…and maybe finding a way to expand narrative potential within a conflict.
Upright (and): Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning
Physical: …and this seems to
have had no negative consequences at all.
Social: …and they are more willing
to be amenable to you in the future as well.
Mental: …and the true meaning
behind this situation is revealed.
Combat: …and your action gives
your allies a boost in morale.
Magic: …and no one has any
knowledge you were involved at all.
Reversed (but): Imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision
Physical: …but you think you
might have pushed yourself too far.
Social: …but this will only
work for the short term.
Mental: …but the mental strain
is leaving you feeling drained.
Combat: …but your overkill has
damaged the weapon you were using.
Magic: …but it ends up looking
a bit more flamboyant than expected, and has caused new issues.
Upright (and): Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism
Physical: …and it feels good.
Social: …and they want more of
what you’re offering.
Mental: …and this should get
you everything you want.
Combat: …and they are
incapacitated and unable to act.
Magic: …and you look good while
you do it.
Reversed (but): Detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed
Physical: …but you are unable
to contain what you were seeking.
Social: …but they reclaim the
advantage in this situation.
Mental: …but you are unable to
get a fix on certain aspects of the situation.
Combat: …but they manage to get
away, and will probably be back at an inconvenient time later.
Magic: …but paradox spirits
manifest to reclaim the energies you’ve expended.
Upright (and): Disaster,
upheaval, sudden change, revelation
Physical: …and the tables turn
to your advantage.
Social: …and a truth is
revealed that you may exploit.
Mental: …and false assumptions
about the situation are torn asunder.
Combat: …and a cataclysm
befalls your victim.
Magic: …and this brings deeper
insight into the true nature of things.
Reversed (but): Avoidance of disaster, fear of change
Physical: …but you’re
struggling to make the last bit of effort.
Social: …but you lose
confidence in your words.
Mental: …but you can’t quite
think of the last pieces that put it all together.
Combat: …but they avoid the
worst that you throw their way.
Magic: …but there are still
things that don’t make sense.
Upright (and): Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity
Physical: …and a sense of calm
spreads across you.
Social: …and you inspire
confidence in everyone around you.
Mental: …and there is a sense
that there could be more achieved very shortly.
Combat: …and as they take the
hit, it inspires you to do it again.
Magic: …and your faith in your
powers is reinforced.
Reversed (but): Lack of faith, despair, discouragement
Physical: …but this is taking longer than you had hoped.
Social: …but you get a bad
feeling about this.
Mental: …but this will require
a rethink.
Combat: …but the attacks just don’t
seem to be getting through.
Magic: …but there is something
in this that doesn’t match your view of the universe.
Upright (and): Illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious
Physical: …and your hidden
preparations have served you well.
Social: …and their anxieties
are playing right into your hands.
Mental: …and your subconscious thoughts
give you new insight.
Combat: …and the strike has
instilled fear into their hearts.
Magic: …and any anomalies in
your effect are seen as a trick of the light or hallucination.
Reversed (but): Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion
Physical: …but you didn’t
account for the next thing that happens.
Social: …but this just seems to
confuse them.
Mental: …but even though this
is the right course of action, it doesn’t make you happy.
Combat: …but that action seems
to have inspired their confidence to attack harder.
Magic: …but this makes no sense
at all.
Upright (and): Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality
Physical: …and you want to do
it again.
Social: …and this feels like a
win-win situation.
Mental: …and more mysteries
seem to be unravelling.
Combat: …and a rush of
adrenaline makes you forget some of your injuries.
Magic: …and your power is
obvious to any who know what to look for.
Reversed (but): Temporary depression, lack of success
Physical: …but you’re feeling really tired.
Social: …but you get the
feeling they really don’t like you
Mental: …but you don’t feel
good about it.
Combat: …but you may have
over-exerted yourself.
Magic: …but a niggling doubt makes
you think it could have been better.
Upright (and): Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution
Physical: …and your instincts
steer you true.
Social: …and they cannot argue
with your reasoning.
Mental: …and you feel that your
situation cannot be challenged.
Combat: …and justice has been
Magic: …and you feel an inner
calling directing your next action.
Reversed (but): Self-doubt, refusal of self-examination
Physical: …but you pull back at
the last minute.
Social: …but they doubt your
resolve, and now you doubt it too.
Mental: …but you can’t go any
further, something just feels wrong.
Combat: …but you think it might
be a good idea to change your tactics.
Magic: …but a shiver runs down
your spine.
Upright (and): Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
Physical: …and you reach your
goal faster than you thought.
Social: …and now their mind is
one with yours.
Mental: …and it feels like you
taken into account every possible variable.
Combat: …and you knock them a
significant distance in the process.
Magic: …and they won’t know
anything mystical occurred at all.
Reversed (but): Lack of completion, lack of closure
Physical: …but there feels like something you’ve missed.
Social: …but they still want
something more to finalise the deal.
Mental: …but there are too many
loose ends.
Combat: …but something doesn’t
feel right
Magic: …but you probably could
have done better.