Winds of Change

Wow, time flies. I used to update this blog at least twice a week. There were even periods when I'd update it daily. But now I look at it, and it's almost been a month since my last post.

At this stage I'm still acclimating to a new world. This is a place that exists far from any city, it almost feels like the apocalypse would come in the cities while the regional centres would feel a slight blip on their radars, and the country towns like my new home would just go on existing...

...I'm meeting old farmers who exist like immortals who have lingered too long in the world, overseeing their family dynasties, remembering the passing of ages... I'm meeting those who've lived their whole lives here, whether townies or farmers, not knowing the ways of the city at all... then there are those like me who've fled the cities to make a new life.

My plans for Walkabout don't seem too far off the reality that I'm seeing here.

I've started retyping the game, pulling ideas from previous incarnations and iterations of the concept, but at this stage it's still more about immersing myself in the culture of the setting... learning, observing, interacting.

Hopefully it won't be so long before the next post.


You will truly be a local when you get your shed. The things that contains enough spare parts that will, after being handed down through at least three more generations, be able to fix anything. Need a new hydrogen inversion pump for a jump drive? I think I've got something back here that will help!

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