A Fox's Guide to Conlangs (Part 12) - Continuing through the Noun Lists

Today we continue our slog through the various core noun forms. This is a slow slog, and it's intellectually tiring to connect ephemeral concepts to something that makes sense. But once we've gotten through these, I promise we'll get back to some more interesting linguistic gymnastics.

Common Concrete Countable Non-Living Nouns – [N] i/I auoioe

The first batch of these generally represent objects that may be created, modified, consumed, and destroyed (thus explaining their “impermanence”). 

Nia 1 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary conception (tool)
Niu 2 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary invigoration (food/fuel)
Nio 3 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary maturation (trade commodity)
Nii 4 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary stagnation (barrier/shield/protection)
Nio 5 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary destruction (toxin/poison)
Nie 6 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary oblivion (dream/idea)
NiA 1 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal conception (writing/scroll/book)
NiU 2 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal invigoration (decorations)
NiO 3 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal maturation (piece of furniture)
NiI 4 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal stagnation (unit of money)
NiO 5 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal destruction (memorial)
NiE 6 – Impermanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal oblivion (religious shrine)

The second batch of these generally represent types of places (thus explaining their “permanence”). 

NIa 1 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary conception (place of information/thought)
NIu 2 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary invigoration (place of safety)
NIo 3 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary maturation (place of negotiation/trade)
NIi 4 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary stagnation (place of law)
NIo 5 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary destruction (place of memorial)
NIe 6 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of momentary oblivion (place of spirituality)
NIA 1 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal conception (river/lake)
NIU 2 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal invigoration (forest)
NIO 3 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal maturation (farmland)
NII 4 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal stagnation (town)
NIO 5 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal completion (ruins)
NIE 6 – Permanent common concrete countable non-living noun of eternal oblivion (desert)

Common Uncountable and Mass Nouns – [N] o/O auoioe

The first batch of these generally represent conceptual objects (thus explaining their “impermanence”). 

Noa 1 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of momentary conception (art)
Nou 2 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of momentary invigoration (information)
Noo 3 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of momentary maturation (unit of area)
Noi 4 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of momentary stagnation (unit of weight)
Noo 5 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of momentary destruction (unit of value)
Noe 6 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of momentary oblivion (unit of time)
NoA 1 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of eternal conception (knowledge)
NoU 2 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of eternal invigoration (decorations)
NoO 3 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of eternal maturation (furniture)
NoI 4 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of eternal stagnation (money)
NoO 5 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of eternal destruction (memorial)
NoE 6 – Impermanent common uncountable noun of eternal oblivion (religious shrine)

Most of these terms do not have a single letter to finish off their syllable, instead they stand alone, or have entire additional syllables added to form complete words of a more specific nature.
The second batch of these generally represent methods of measuring (thus explaining their “permanence”). 

NOa 1 – Permanent common measuring noun of momentary conception (unit of existence)
NOu 2 – Permanent common measuring noun of momentary invigoration (unit of length)
NOo 3 – Permanent common measuring noun of momentary maturation (unit of area)
NOi 4 – Permanent common measuring noun of momentary stagnation (unit of weight)
NOo 5 – Permanent common measuring noun of momentary destruction (unit of inherent mystical power)
NOe 6 – Permanent common measuring noun of momentary oblivion (unit of time)
NOA 1 – Permanent common measuring noun of eternal conception (unit of disorder/potential)
NOU 2 – Permanent common measuring noun of eternal invigoration (unit of height)
NOO 3 – Permanent common measuring noun of eternal maturation (unit of volume)
NOI 4 – Permanent common measuring noun of eternal stagnation (unit of order/purity)
NOO 5 – Permanent common measuring noun of eternal completion (unit of power/energy)
NOE 6 – Permanent common measuring noun of eternal oblivion (unit of spiritual intensity)

In most cases, the units of measurement do not need additional letters to define how they are used, but there would be a series of prefixes to determine specific scales of measurement (in much the same way that there are prefixes to the standard measurements in the metric system).


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