Sometimes the void answers back
I'm used to putting up stuff on social media, and generally being ignored. Yesterday, I posted something that actually got feedback and traction. Lots of comments, many of them positive, many of them missing the point altogether. Heaps of folks assuming that I'm in the US...which kind of makes me wonder about how tricky it would be to boycott buying American products. There were also a lot of reactionary responses... some saying that everyone in the USA is to blame, and therefore we should abandon them all. Some engaging further and accepting the notion that Americans might be pawns in a larger game, run by greedy companies and oligarchs. It all links into the notions I've been developing for the Familiar game, so that's interesting (and I guess that links into my last post). It's a rough one. It's the kind of situation where you can make a sound-bite comment to stir a bit of controversy and bait the hook. But you could also use the whole Star Wars quote...