One of the biggest issues I regularly face with game design is the idea of keeping people interested in what I've been doing, even though the design process is slow and interspersed between the regular activities of daily life. I've been working on the idea of refining the life path system, since I wrote about it in mid-June ... on and off, an hour or so here and there every day or maybe a dozen hours in total. Developing a structure, coming up with ideas to populate the tables, crowdsourcing ideas on various social media platforms, getting frustrated when only a couple of people respond, redeveloping structures based on new ideas... then looking back at that post from June and seeing that the structure has basically moved full circle, but maybe been refined a bit. Still not happy to publicly show what that bit of the game is like, but we're moving closer? Still, in the purposes of showing where things seem to be heading at this time, he's a list of the general...