Cognitive Diversity
There's a controversial theory in linguistic circles, it's called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis . Well actually, there are a number of controversial theories in linguistic circles, but let's stick with Sapir-Whorf for the moment. It basically says that there is a symbiotic feedback loop between the way you conceptualize a subject and the way you communicate about it. Examples of the hypothesis point to cultures who don't have words for certain colours and therefore seem incapable of perceiving those colours, or cultures who don't seem to express certain emotions well because they don't have manageable terminology yo describe what they are feeling. Hard interpretations state that those without the words are incapable of processing thoughts about the concepts embodied in those words... softer interpretations state that those without the words simply have a harder time making the connections... the relationships aren't as direct or as strong. A corollary to th...