Game Mechani(sm) of the Week #9: Matrixed Experience
As a follow on to the 8th game mechanism, the following conceot expands the idea of an attribute matrix and gives it dynamic potential as an experience system. These are all a part of the Quincunx RPG system that I'm currently working on. BEGIN COPIED TEXT I've recently posted about my take on matrixed attributes on the forge. While taking a walk today I considered an expansion on this concept, tying an experience system into the core matrix. A hypothetical character begins with the matrix... x Air Earth Fire Metal Water Wood Agenda - - X - X - Connections X - X - X - Face - - X - X - Skills XX X XX X X X Offences - - X - - Defences - - X X - - I've recently made posts about an experience system where characters accumulate enough failures with a skill to push them toward a new degree of proficiency. I've contemplated this from a dozen directions in the context of a matrix, but it kept feeling too contrived. Today's thought pattern comes from an entirely new perspect...