Dumpster dive
When I was a kid, this part of town was busy. Trucks coming and going, factories running 24/7. Dad worked here then, night-shift at a company that imported pet food from whatever part of the world was selling it cheap this month. He'd rip open bags of pet food and du, mp it in a big hopper and on to a conveyor belt. By the time it hit the end of the production line, it proudly proclaimed "locally packaged". Consumers didn't look past that...they only really noticed when it wasn't just the manufacturing, but also the packaging and all the jobs that went overseas. The pet food was cheap to import, the labour even cheaper. The consumers in other parts of town said they cared, but their spending habits indicated that they were happier saving 50 cents a bag on their dog food. It was a similar story for most of the factories around here. Half the factories closed in the financial crisis of 2007-08, only one or two came back. The lights were off across much of the indut...