Bring Your Own Miniatures

I've long had an idea for a basic miniatures game, aiming back to the origins of roleplaying games. This would be a game where each player controls a single miniature, and maybe a couple of their henchmen. They collaboratively, or even competitively, explore an underground environment that is revealed through the course of play. I've been playing with some concept sketches along these lines today. The aim will be to get the character and team generation rules onto a single sheet of paper, all the basic rules for session play onto a single side of a sheet, and all the rules for trading with the merchant and upgrading the character on the other side of the page. The character sheet will take half a page, with the remainder filled out using 4 henchmen stat blocks each basically taking up an eighth of a page (where most character will have at most 2-3 henchmen). The basic idea behind the numbers derives from the Confrontation miniatures game, where damage rolls ...