
Showing posts from December, 2014

A Fox's Guide to Conlangs (Part 11) - Starting the Noun Lists

This is the slow part of the process, determining what the meanings of letter combinations represent, then trying to convert that combination of meanings to reflect a concept that would need to be conveyed by language. Here's the first batch. Proper Nouns ā€“ [N] a/A (Still thinking about these) Common Concrete Countable Living Nouns ā€“ [K] o/O auoi o e The first batch of these generally represent types of people who come and go (thus explaining their ā€œimpermanenceā€).  Koa 1 ā€“ Impermanent common concrete countable living noun of momentary conception (baby) Kou 2 - Impermanent common concrete countable living noun of momentary invigoration (child) Koo 3 - Impermanent common concrete countable living noun of momentary maturation (young adult) Koi 4 - Impermanent common concrete countable living noun of momentary stagnation (old adult) Ko o 5 - Impermanent common concrete countable living noun of momentary destruction (dying person) Koe 6 - Impermanent common ...

A Fox's Guide to Conlangs (Part 10) - Starting on the Nouns

Time to start assigning sounds to concepts based on what weā€™ve got so far, and then extrapolate some meanings from those conceptual sources. Iā€™m going to start by looking at specific types of nouns, and use a certain consonant and vowel to open the syllable. Weā€™ve still got options to add an extra vowel into the syllable (creating a diphthong), and a consonant to close up the syllable. Hereā€™s how Iā€™m startingā€¦ Proper Nouns ā€“ [N] a/A Common Nouns ā€“ [K or N] o/O, i/I, o / O , or e/E Concrete Nouns ā€“ [K or N] o/O or i/I  Countable Nouns ā€“ [K or N] o/O or i/I             Living ā€“ [K] o/O             Non-Living Countable Nouns ā€“ [N] i/I Uncountable and Mass Nouns ā€“ [N] o / O Abstract Nouns ā€“ [K] e/E Collective Nouns ā€“ [K] u/U Pronouns ā€“ [D] a/A Hereā€™s my logicā€¦ Proper Nouns use short or long ā€œaā€ sounds, because the ā€œaā€ vowel sound is linked...

The LARP I attend

Clans of Elgardt is the name of the LARP I take part in fortnightly. I've had a few queries about it, and now I've got a convenient site to send people to, someone in the group has developed a wiki for the game, and over the past few hours it's really started filling out with different players filling in their character and faction details. The main page for the site can be found here. The page for my character can be found here. There is a lot more work to do on it, but it's a great start.

New Year Ideas

There have been a few good series of posts this year on the blog. Focusing on a wide range of topics, including maps, figure painting, LARP, terrain building, worldbuilding, and all sort of other game related topics between. I've got a few more topics that I'd love to explore over the next year, including topics about how to take existing source material and bend it to your needs, expanding on existing world-building, developing character ideas within an established world, and maybe some more practical tutorials such as resin moulding and costume design. I might even get a bit further with the conlang I've started over the last couple of weeks.

The Scavenger's Tale Now On Sale

Just letting everyone know that my post apocalyptic children's book "The Scavenger's Tale" has just been made available for sale on RPGNow. I'm trying to think of any other good sources for pdf sales, but I've had good experience with the RPGNow / OneBookShelf team. The Scavengers Tale Some time in the near future, I might run a Kickstarter/Indiegogo/Crowdfunded project to produce a limited run physical edition of the book.

A Fox's Guide to Conlangs (Part 9) - Starting Word Lists

Iā€™ve just downloaded a list of the 250 most commonly used words in the English language. Rank Word 1 the 2 of 3 to 4 and 5 a 6 in 7 is 8 it 9 you 10 that 11 he 12 was 13 for 14 on 15 are 16 with 17 as 18 I 19 ...