New research (with bonus Trial and Error)

 So, I've started the Ren'Py project. A few new versions to the platform itm have come and gone, and even the Python programming language has seen an update since I was last playing with it. 

A useful feature of Ren'Py when developing something like this is the concept of saved games. This still applies, so that means it's possible to make a character generator that saves details, then open the game later to modify a character, or incorporate elements of the character into a dice rolling app. The drawback is that everyone would need a copy of the downloadable game platform because trying to store multiple characters would be equivalent to storing multiple saved game and progressing through each of them separately. 

I'm also tossing up the idea whether it's easier to have separate programs for character generation, character development, setting development, gameplay...or whether to bundle them into the same package. One package could get unwieldy, multiple fragments require a consistent method of transferring data between them. 

I've been reading up a variety of tutorial sites in my early research stages, and that's been good for seeing where I took some problematic turns last time I tried something like this. It's also been interesting to see how the Ren'Py platform has evolved. I'll start laying out some sketches for what I need and how I see it all coming together over the next week. Work goes back the following week, so we'll see how busy things get.


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