Walkabout Image Dump

There are a folks concerned about the ethical issues of using generative algorithms to create imagery, so I thought I'd share the general hand drawn imagery that will be used for the majority of the project. Many of these images have been derived from photos provided by game designers from around the world back in the days when the Story Games web forum was going strong. The various photos that form parts of these images are typically ones that I've taken in various parts of the state of NSW, and across Australia. Urban ruins, farmlands, outback...anything that feels right for the setting and adds a degree of authenticity to the project. A few of the images produced as a part of this are photo-montages as well.

There's also a few other artists working on the project with a variety of styles and techniques (because I like the idea of this being a community project rather than a single person's vision). That fits the themes of the project more.

Here's the type of monochrome work that will be scattered through key parts of the rules...

Some examples of the raw photos taken...

...and some of the compiled images that will set the context for the various groups in the setting...

...with an expected page count of 160+ visually dense pages (maybe 40 pages of rules if it were formatted as straight text), there's a lot more imagery in this project than most games.  


d20 saidā€¦
I absolutely appreciate the effort you are taking regarding your art process, originality and transparency. Excellent process, nice art :-)

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