The Flotilla

When I live in a place that looks like this...'s hardly surprising that I've started to take a more nautical interpretation of the post apocalypse.

I've been seeing houseboats like this...

...travelling up and down the river, and that has naturally given me ideas for river nomads. In turn, this has seen me drawing up plans for their boats.

But there are a few other types of boats that also ply the local waterways, such as fishing pontoons, and smaller craft.

That led me to some kind of floating trading port in the middle of the river.

I'm not sure if that's where the river theme will end, or even how much the riverfolk will factor in the new revision of Walkabout, but it's certainly a new point of difference compared to other post-apocalyptic settings.


I enjoyed this post and your recent ones about where you are living very much. Great artwork as always. I gave you a shout out on my blog/podcast this week.

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