Last Post for 2010

This may be my last post for 2010, it's been a pretty wild ride. Loss of a job that I thought was going well, moving house, declaring bankruptcy, meeting new friends, getting disillusioned by old friends.

My thoughts on Vector Theory have been refined somewhat through the posts I've made. The games I've written throughout the year have started receiving some positive attention, and that's always good. My comic is getting ever closer to completion.

It's generally been a year where unfinished projects have been worked on and exploration in the left field has proven useful. I had hoped to get a few more projects completed this year, but that just didn't prove to be.

Sometimes life just gets in the way...and if you worry about this too much, you forget to live life and just enjoy it while you've got it.

Let's see what happens next year.


x saidā€¦
Amen brother.

Starting with the loss of my favorite pet ever (and he was only 10 months old) till now it has been a rollercoaster ride through hell. It's the people who take the time in the middle of their own hell to type a word or two that makes me laugh or makes me think that has gotten me through this (and this year was all about the 'disappointment with friends thing').

Here's to a better one and may you always roll 20's.

(BTW-my captcha word verification for this post was REALMEN)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Well, I have enjoyed your writings over this last year and look forward to reading more from you. All the best.
Rob Lang saidā€¦
Hopefully you can keep writing with the usual wit and light bravado through next year and it doesn't matter if you don't complete anything, as long as you keep being creative!

Happy holidays and see you on the other side!

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