The dangers of Commitment

The annoying thing about committing to impending projects is the fact that inevitably, things will occur that you haven't planned for.

I've been preparing for moving house for two months now...which has left me in a flux state for an indeterminate period, living off borrowed internet (because we shut our accounts down, not knowing when the move would actually hit), throwing myself into computer based activities (because the laptop is unpacked while most of my art supplies, DVDs and other amusements are packed), and other disruptions to the normal routine.

I had hoped for a weekend of release over the past few days, but even that didn't work put right. I was aiming to play a few sessions of FUBAR at Sydcon, to iron out some bugs and seriously put it through it's paces with a variety of people. But things went catastrophically wrong for two reasons.

First, the real estate decided to give an open house viewing of our property, right in the middle of Saturday. The house was in no state for an inspection, but messages had been left on my phone which was for various times uncharged, or out of mobile reception coverage on the way to the new house. I couldn't cancel because they'd already booked people to view the property, and I had to spend the morning cleaning up. That knocked out any chance of getting to the convention on Saturday.

Then, Leah decided we'd try to move out as quickly as possible now that leases had been signed at one end, and termination notices had been given at the other. So Saturday consisted of two trips with a heavily packed trailer down to the new property. That wiped out Sunday.

To make things worse, my neighbour with the unprotected wi-fi decided to shut off his router (he obviously went on holiday for the three day-weekend). This meant I was cut off from my most regular form of communication with people I had tried to organize events.

Makes me feel really bad, because I've let down a heap of people (maybe 20 or so, who would have played the game on the weekend...including many of my playtest regulars).

This whole collapse of a weekend meant that I wasn't able to get any of my college Web Design assignments done either...and now we're in heavy moving mode, so my attempts to write up Game Chef reviews have had to be put on temporary hold. I'll be moving pretty solidly for the next two weeks. I'll see what I can do to get a few reviews out in my gaps of rapidly filling timetable.

So my new priorities...
  1. Moving House
  2. College Assignments
  3. Freelance Writing Stuff (Avalon and QT Games)
  4. Game Chef Critiques
  5. Walkabout
  6. Other Personal Projects
Once the house moving has completed, things should reshuffle.

Anyway...that's enough rant for the moment, back to regular scheduling.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Good luck with all of that. I know how stressful moving can be and that sounded like a very rough weekend.

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