The AGE Model

In the interests of presenting other theories regarding game design.

Here is the AGE Model.

There are a few similar notions to where I was heading with the meta-level of Vector Theory, and it would be easy to pigeonhole Vector Theory as a method of analysing the Art-Game axis within the AGE Model.

But I think there are a couple of key points of contention between the two methods of analysis.

Still, it's a well worded paper. Certainly something I'll be referring to as Vector Theory needs to be refined further. It's probably a decent example of a working release PDF, the kind of thing that I'll be using for Vector theory once the discussions and blog posts have worked their way to a natural conclusion.


Zac in VA saidā€¦
I'm having a hard time contextualizing AGE. How do you find it useful, and are there any concrete-play examples that've been used to explain AGE, by you or anybody?

*curious* ^_^

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