One of the key aspects of design is playtesting. Knowing how a game shoudl work, and comparing it to how it does work at the table atre often two different things. I wanted to give my game "Bustle in your Hedgerow" a run at the semi-regular gaming night at The Press (I've mentioned this a few times one the blog so far... an example is here ). Out of the five nights we've had at The Press this year, I've got a group who have participated in three of the games I've run. When they show up, they do so an hour early to make sure they get my table (which is nice). I basically try to run these sessions the way I'd run a convention game, they pay money to play, they're here for a good time. So I collaboratively tell a fun story with them. They might succeed, they might fail, but either way they'll contribute actively to a story that they'll remember. I expected to have them again last Thursday night when I ran "Bustle" as a part of the Horr...